Superdelight Core Values

photo of sarahbean as a toddler on a little bike in her living room with vintage high chair in background. She is wearing teal striped shirt and a pink headband, looking to her left.

SUPERDELIGHT PARENTING PROJECT is a Values-Driven Business. This means that I make my business decisions through the lens of these 5 values.

The 5 Values of Superdelight are: Wonder, Authenticity, Creativity, Belonging, and Credibility.

Curiosity without judgment.

Infusing playfulness and pause into our behaviors and decisions.

Practicing empathy: really seeing things from another’s perspective.

Photo of sarahbean as toddler on the beack, standing in a diaper with a rainbow striped shirt, looking cranky into the camera, holding a half-drank bottle of milk, and the word "authenticity" in vintage font

Staying true to what feels in alignment with integrity.

Genuine (free from pretense).

This includes honoring histories of young people/working people/BIPOC people’s oppression.

Trusting that which has meaning.

photo of sarahbean as a toddler on the beach, holding both fists up to the side with sand in her hands, looking pensive towards the ground, like she is conducting a nature orchestra. The word "creativity" in vintage font

Creative energy is at the heart of my work and my presence.

Stay open to alternative solutions.

There are many pathways to get to your goals, while staying aligned with a nourishing vision of yourself, your life and your world.

photo of sarahbean as a toddler, walking down a cracked sidewalk, wind blowing in her hair, a look of delight on her face, wearing a red "smurfette" t-shirt with her belly stlicking out. The word "belonging" in vintage font

The unbridled acceptance of self and other.

A sense of HOME. A sense of emotional safety.

Knowing you are good-enough, just by being you. I am good-enough, just by being me. We are good-enough, just by being us. 

Photo of sarahbean as a toddler, sitting at a high chair, looking directly at the camera with a pensive face. You can tell she's not taking any sh*t. The word "credibility" in vintage font

Depth of knowledge.

Ongoing cultivation of wisdom + maintenance of my credentials.

Grounded in the content and messaging I share.

Honoring the lineage of the wisdom that came before me.


My business decisions are made through these foundational values.

All photos of Sarahbean, circa 1984. ♡


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