why superdelight?
a word about “Superdelight”
This title came to me in a dream. I’m not super woo-woo, but it made sense.
After reading Bethany Saltman’s Strange Situation, one of the things she named is a scientific measurement of delight between parent and child in an attachment study.
You see, Mary Ainsworth did incredible work in the foundational field of attachment science. In the 70’s, she created a study to understand parent-caregiver attachment styles, called the Strange Situation. This gives me goosebumps. In this groundbreaking study of attachment science, some of Mary Ainsworth’s scientific coding was around the experience of “delight.”
Delight as an evidence-based measurement tool! How incredible is that?
I know in myself, this is the goal: to experience delight and alignment (attunement) with our children, or for your children: with you. Connection is how we survive as social creatures. And your connection with your child is at the center of it. So let’s find the bumpy roads in your everyday journey and repave that shit with some sparkles of delight. Superdelight, even!
If you want a curated toolbox of gems and strategies to confidently respond to your child that will work for your unique family, We can investigate together to find solutions and create lasting change in your relationship with your child so you can be the connected and intentional parent you aspire to be!